Sunday, May 8, 2016

Bout of Books 16

     I am participating in bout of books 16.  The books I plan to read are from my library pile.  They are:

 Image result for the austere academy

Image result for lair of dreams

Image result for nature principle

Image result for go call the watchman

Image result for revolution by donnelly

Image result for the wrath and the dawn

Bout of Books

The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, May 9th and runs through Sunday, May 15th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 16 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. - From the Bout of Books team

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Should You DNF A Book?

  Should one, DNF a book? My answer is YES! First book I picked up to read for the year and I DNF'd (Did Not Finish) it, which is what got me thinking about this whole subject.

My reason for this is, if you are not enjoying your book then put it down.  There are so many books out there and not enough time in our lives to finish them all.  I feel readers shouldn't have to suffer through a book, when they can better spend their time reading a book that they will enjoy.

Clearly if it is for a homework assignment, it is a required review, or any other obligation you have to finish a book, that is a different story. 

If you really are struggling through a book and don't find a bit of it interesting, put it down and pick up one you will enjoy.  It will be okay not to finish a book.

What are your opinions on if you think it's okay to DNF a book.

Keep reading,


Tuesday, January 12, 2016

My weekly reading challenges update.  

My plan is to update weekly on how I am doing with my 2016 reading challenges/goals.  First week down and I am very happy with my progress.  Here are the challenges I am partaking in and how I am doing.


My goal: read at least 2 books a month on my already owned tbr.

I have read 2 1/2 books for this challenge and it is still only the beginning of the month.

                               The books I have read. 
  • Angels in Disguise by Phyllis Hobe
  • Animal Farm by George Orwell
  • half way through Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard

Popsugar Challenge 

I have completed 4/40

  • A book that's under 150 pages
  • A graphic novel
  • A book from the library
  • A satirical book

GoodReads Challenge 


I am currently 2 books ahead of schedule.

If you are participating in any reading challenges or have goals for this year.  Let me know what they are and how you are doing.

Keep reading,


Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Review: The Waiting Room by Alysha Kaye

The Waiting Room by Alysha Kaye

The novel is about a man who dies and ends up stuck in a place called The Waiting Room.  People who go to the waiting room are quickly moved on to their next life.  But he doesn't get called to move on and becomes a mystery to those that work there.  He waits and watches his wife out of the big windows.

This story is unique and has a fresh take on death.  I usually am not one who likes romance in books, I usually find it cheesy and unrealistic.  However, the romance in this story was neither cheesy, nor unrealistic.  They were believable and lovable.  I loved that they weren't perfect people, they made mistakes.

This story had me laughing, thinking, and tearing up.  It was a beautiful story that I will be reading again.

The end was one of the most memorable and really left an impact.  It was what sealed the deal of being one of my top favorite books of the year.

I recommend this book to anyone who like sweet love stories, stories of friendship, and want a good laugh and cry.

I gave The Waiting Room 4.5/5 stars.

Keep reading,


My 2016 Resolutions


PopSugar Challenge

#RockMyTBR Challenge

The challenge is to read at a minimum 1 book a month on your already owned books.  This challenge is to help reduce your TBR pile.
For more information on this challenge here is the link:

I am going for at least two books a month that I already own. I am hoping to get my TBR pile to under 100 by December 31st 2016.  

These are the books that I am most eager to get to this year.

If you would like to buddy read any of these, let me know.

Goodreads Challenge

My goal is to read at least 100 books this year.

Series I Plan to Read/Finish
1. Song of Ice and Fire
2.  Reread Hunger Games
3. Reread Lunar Chronicles
4. Fallen Kingdoms
5. Mistborn
6. Finish Tiger's Curse
7. Finish Infernal Devices
8. Mortal Instruments
9. Angelfall Series
10. Hero of Olympus
11. Series of unfortunate events
12. Finish Legend series
13. Finish Divergent Series


I want to create a schedule day of when I write a blog post.  I plan on having a blog post up once a week.


I am going to write for an hour every day.
I am going to finish my 2nd draft of a novel I have been working on for over two years.

So those are my new years resolutions and goal.  Let me know what yours are.

Keep reading,
